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Anechoic Chambers

Edwards AFB Anechoic chamber

Cuming Lehman
(508) 521-6700

Chamber Capabilities:

Cuming Microwave offers an extensive line of high performance pyramidal and convoluted anechoic chamber foam absorbers. These absorber materials are designed for use in antenna ranges, anechoic chambers and test boxes. Cuming utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and controls to ensure homogeneity within each piece and lot. This process allows cost effective methods in the production of pyramids, wedges, twisted pyramids and other geometric shapes. All absorber materials perform to NRL-8093 fire retardancy standards and are tested 100% for electrical performance.

Cuming Microwave Corporation can provide engineering assistance for the design of shielded anechoic facilities to meet customers’ unique requirements. Cuming Microwave is a leader in the design and construction of facilities worldwide for EMC, FCC/EC Compliance, antenna testing, and Compact and Nearfield Ranges for electromagnetic test purposes. Our subsidiary, Cuming-Lehman Chambers, can provide full on-site project management and deliver turnkey chambers.

If you are thinking of building an anechoic chamber, Cuming Microwave Corporation will assist you in the concept and design. Fill out our questionnaire to request a quotation. When completed we will review it and contact you.

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