Flexible Jaumann Radar Absorbers
C-RAM LPJ (320-4) |
C-RAM LPJ is a series of lightweight, flexible, weatherproof radar absorbers which can be used indoors, outdoors, or wherever the material may be in contact with water, oil, or other liquids. C-RAM LPJ is made of alternating layers of closed-cell polyethylene foam and resistive layers. It is based on the Jaumann principle of operation. C-RAM LPJ is designed to provide typically 18 dB of reflectivity reduction in a frequency range dependent on grade.
The radar absorber is useful for reducing reflections from flat surfaces, columns, and structures such as bridges. It’s easy-to-clean surfaces and non-dusting behavior make it suitable for cleanroom applications.
The standard size of C-RAM LPJ is 24 x 24 in. Standard thicknesses are noted in the chart below. Other thicknesses, shapes, and sizes are available on a custom order basis. It can be easily cut to special size or shape, and the edges do not require resealing. Sheets are bonded together or to a reflecting surface with a contact adhesive.
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